
Disability is Not a Dirty Word

We would like to invite you to our next Theatrical experience.  We will premier Disability is Not a Dirty Word, an original online play that explores the multi-faceted experience of living with a disability. This new production was created and is performed by a diverse group of disabled people and explores the broad experiences of disabled identity. The play was written using story circles, allowing disabled participants to express their frustrations in a society designed primarily for non-disabled people. The online performance will explore the characters’ experiences of ableism and the need for equitable access. Each character demonstrates the need to be viewed as a whole person, not a broken person.

After each performance, the audience will be invited to engage in a community conversation about the issues presented in the play and what disability justice is.

Zoom Performance Dates

Thursday November 2nd 7:00 pm

Saturday November 4th at 7:00 pm

Sunday November 5th at 2:00 pm

Adapted and written by: Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter

Directed by: Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter

Featuring: Nina Cullum, Seth Fox, Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter, Katie Otten, Christian Overly, Ross Pollpeter, and Claire Reichenbach

We will be offering accessibility services including ASL interpretation for the Sunday November 5th performance at 2:00 pm, as well as audio descriptions and closed captioning for all performances. Email for all accessibility needs.  

Anastasis Theatre Co Presents: More than a Number

Original art by Alex Bridgman

More Than a Number breaks down the walls between incarcerated citizens and the outside world.

October 21st, 7:00pm Mission Church
October 22nd, 2pm Mission Church
October 23rd, 10:15AM, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Lincoln
October 29th, 7:00pm, Holy Family Community Center

Click here to reserve tickets

Originally written and performed by a group of men at the Nebraska State Penitentiary, More Than a Number shatters misconceptions and reveals the common thread of our humanity. Sharing glimpses of life before prison, at crucial moments of choice, from life inside, and their hopes for the future, the play creates a tapestry of lived experience.
Anastasis will tour More Than a Number to partner sites throughout Omaha and Lincoln featuring a cast of men affected by incarceration and professional actors. Each performance will be followed by a community conversation that centers the voices of those most impacted by the Nebraska Correctional system. Each audience will also be invited to join us at our Forum on Criminal Justice Reform on November 10th.
Adapted for the stage by Colleen O’Doherty
Directed by: Haley Haas
Associate Director: Barry Carman

James Eagle Feather
Christopher Scott
RayShawn Abram
Xavier Carr
Robert Nutt
Caleb Mickles
Fredrick Collins Jr.
Carl Bowman
Aaron Maxwell

Set Design by: Hugo Zamorano
Musicians: Paige Nola, Jordan Smith